Vertigo, hearing loss, N&V (690/1700)

 A 28yo man complains of vertigo, nausea and vomiting for more than 30 mins and tinnitus,
hearing loss in the left ear. What is the tx for this pt?
a. Buccal prochlorperazine (2nd line)
b. Metachlorpromide
c. Cyclazine (1st line)
d. Cotrimazole
e. Ondansetron

Answer: A

Only 2 things can cause vertigo, N&V and hearing loss:

Acute laybrinthitis
Menieres disease

Since none of the options are antibiotics, that rules out labyrithitis.

Treatment of actue episodes of menieres disease: buccal or intramuscular prochlorperazine
Clyclazine/prochlorperazine tablets maybe given to take home to alleviate further nausea and vomiting, but this man has a severe attack lasting for 30minutes needing rapid termination. 
Prophylaxis : Betahistine

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