Hot swollen joint with fever (10/1700)

A 53yo female presents with an acute painful hot knee joint. She is a known case of RA. On examination, the knee is red, tender and swollen. The hamstring muscles are in spasm. Her temp is 38.5C and BP is 120/80mmHg. What is the SINGLE best next inv?
a. Joint aspiration for cytology and culture and sensitivity
b. Joint aspiration for positive birefrengent crystals
c. Joint aspiration for negative birefrengent crystals
d. Blood culture
e. Serum uric acid

answer A
Septic joint, chronic joint disease is a PF
inv: JA &C+S
start empirical ab after sample taken


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kindly, , what is the meaning of the abbreviation PF here?
