Pea in the ear (373/1700)

A mentally retarded child puts a green pea in his ear while eating. The carer confirms this.
Otoscopy shows a green colored object in the ear canal. What is the most appropriate single
best approach to remove this object?
a. By magnet
b. Syringing
c. Under GA
d. By hook
e. By instilling olive oil

answer: C

Ear FB options
  • Forceps or hook: grasp the object with forceps, or place a hook behind the object and pull it out.
  • Oil for an insect after killing it with lidocaine
  • Irrigation is often effective. Irrigation with water is contra-indicated for soft objects, organic matter or seeds (which may swell and increase the level of pain and difficulty to remove if exposed to water). 
  • Suction with a small catheter held in contact with the object may be effective
  • Under GA : If the child is unlikely to cooperate, further sedation or consideration of general anaesthesia is recommended.

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