Flame shaped hemorrhages (372/1700)

A HTN male loses vision in his left eye. The eye shows hand movement and a light shined in the eye is seen as a faint light. Fundus exam: flame shaped hemorrhages. The right eye is normal. What is the cause of this pts unilateral blindness?

a. HTN retinopathy
b. CRA thrombosis
c. CRV thrombosis
d. Background retinopathy
e. Retinal detachment

Answer: C

HTN retinopathy : arteriolar narrowing, cotton wool spots +/- papilledema

CRA occlusion : cherry red spot/ thin fovea showing unaffected highly vascular choriod against retinal pallor

CRV occlusion : lots of flame shaped retinal hemorrhages, cotton wool spots

Retinal detachment: grey detached retina, absent red reflex

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