Bleeding and abdominal pain at 30weeks (486/1700)

A 24yo primigravida who is 30wk pregnant presents to the labor ward with a hx of constant
abdominal pain for the last few hours. She also gives a hx of having lost a cupful of fresh blood
per vagina before the pain started. Abdominal exam: irritable uterus, CTG=reactive. Choose the
single most likely dx?
a. Abruption of placenta 2nd to pre-eclampsia
b. Antepartum hemorrhage
c. Placenta previa
d. Vasa previa
e. Revealed hemorrhage

answer: E

Abruption of placenta is classified as either revealed or hidden. Here bleeding was seen by the patient so it is a Revealed hemorrhage.

Placenta previa is painless bleeding.

No history of hypertension for it to be A


  1. I don't think "E" is the right answer.
    A= Although c/p is of abruption of placenta but there aren't mention of pre-eclampsia presentation.
    B = I think this is the right answer. Any pv bleeding after 24wks of gestation is called Antepartum Haemorrhage. The causes of it are: Placenta praevia, Placental abruption, vasa praevia.

    So, option A, C and D come under Antepartum Haemorrhage, and they all present with Revealed Haemorrhage (option E) which is NOT a Dx but a sign.
