a. Atrial fib
b. Mitral stenosis
c. Aortic stenosis
e. Carotid artery stenosis
answer: E
- Patients may present with TIAs or CVEs.
- Typical symptoms are contralateral weakness or sensory disturbance, ipsilateral loss of vision, and (if the dominant hemisphere is involved) dysphasia, aphasia or speech apraxia.
- Cognitive impairment and decline may be associated with asymptomatic stenosis of the left internal carotid artery.
- Detection of a carotid bruit is a common physical examination finding that may lead to a referral for carotid duplex ultrasound.
- Carotid bruits are not sensitive or specific enough to confirm or exclude significant carotid stenoses. Absence of carotid bruit in patients with cardiovascular disease does not exclude a carotid stenosis.
Also, Medical management :lowering BP , Statins & anti-platelet therapy