Pneumonia (924/1700)

924. A 33yo man has a temp=38.5C, cough and chest pain on the right side on inspiration. He also has purulent sputum. What is the most likely organism to cause pneumonia in this pt?
a. Gram +ve diplococcic
b. Coagulase +ve cocci
c. PCP cold agglutinins
d. AFB
e. Gram –ve diplococci

answer: A
Most common cause of community acquired pneumonia: strep pneumoniae
We cannot really distinguish it from (gram-ve cocci e.g. h. influenzae) or (coagulase +ve e.g. staph aureus) as the clinical picture is not very specific, so go by most common.

Cannot be mycoplasma as it is associated with a dry cough.

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