Burn marks, weakness (541/1700)

A 50yo lady with weak limbs when examined was found to have burn marks on finger tips,
wasted and weak hands with diminished reflexes. She also has weak spastic legs and dissociated
sensory loss. What is the dx?

a. MS
b. Syringomyelia
c. MND
d. Guillian-barre
e. Freidriech’s ataxia

answer: B


  • initially pain, weakness, atrophy, loss of pain and temperature in upper extremities (central syrinx) with progressive myelopathy over years 
  • sensory loss with preserved touch and proprioception in a band-like distribution at the level of cervical syrinx 
  • dysesthetic pain often occurs in the distribution of the sensory loss 
  • LMN arm/hand weakness or wasting 
  • painless neuropathic arthropathies (Charcot’s joints), especially in the shoulder and neck due to loss of pain and temperature sensation

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