Believes body is rotting (281/1700)

An old man comes to the doctor complaining that a part of this body is rotten and he wants it
removed. What is the most likely dx?
a. Guilt
b. Hypochondriasis
c. Munchausen’s
d. Nihilism
e. Capgras syndrome

Answer D Nihilism : a persistent denial of the existence of particular things or of everything, including oneself, as seen in various forms of schizophrenia. A person who has such a delusion may believe that he or she lives in a shadow or limbo world or that he or she died several years ago and that only the spirit, in a vaporous form, really exists.

Guilt: an emotion that occurs when a person feels that they have violated a moral standard.

Hypochondriasis: worry about having a serious illness.

Munchausen’s: a psychiatric factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention,sympathy, or reassurance to themselves.

Capgras syndrome: a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member (or pet) has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor.

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