Atrophic vaginitis (285/1700)

A 57yo woman presents with dysuria, frequency and urinary incontinence. She complains of
dyspareunia. Urine culture has been done and is sterile. What is the most appropriate step?

a. Oral antibiotics
b. Topical antibiotics
c. Topical estrogen
d. Oral estrogen
e. Oral antibiotics and topical estrogen

answer: C, sterile culture means no UTI

Dysuria occurs in women with atrophic vaginitis because of urine contact with the inflamed atrophic tissues themselves or because of the increased incidence of urinary tract infections in these women. Atrophic vaginitis is a common disorder, affecting from 20 to 30 percent of postmenopausal women. Decreased vaginal discharge, vaginal tenderness and dyspareunia are common in women with atrophic vaginitis. Women may also have bloody vaginal spotting, especially after intercourse.
TTT estrogen cream

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