All investigations are normal (302/1700)

A woman presents with complains of abdominal pain, unsteadiness, numbness of lower limb
and palpitations. All inv are normal. What is the dx?
a. Manchausen
b. Somatization
c. Hypochondriac
d. Bipolar

answer: B, we can't say if it's deliberate or not, multiple vague symptoms

somatization = producing non existent symptoms (pt unaware they are producing) multiple vague complaints

Hypochondriac = persistent conviction that the patient has a serious disease(pt unaware )

Munchausen/factitious disorder = producing non existent symptoms/disease with awareness of what they are doing, repeatedly doing it, maybe specific/medically literate presentations

conversion: motor/sensory loss in response to stressor, not concerned greatly by symptoms

malingering = feigning symptoms for gain e.g. narcotics/compensation

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