Absence seizure (245/1700)

A teacher brings in a child who says she fell down after hitting a table. On probing further, you
decide that it was most probably an absence seizure. What led you to this dx?

a. The child had not eaten since morning
b. The child suddenly went blank and there was up-rolling of eyes
c. The child started moving his fingers uncontrollably before he fell
d. The child’s body became rigid and then started to jerk

answer: B

Generalized seizure types:

  • Myoclonic : seizures occurring in muscle groups
  • atonic: loss of muscle tone, leading to a drop attack
  • Tonic: rigidity in flexion or extension
  • Clonic: waves of jerky movement
  • Tonic-clonic = Grand mal ... 1) Prodroma(irritability), 2) Tonic muscle rigidity, 3) Clonic waves of spasm, 4)Flaccidity and amnesia 
  • Absent = Petit mal .... in kids, uresposnisve for around 10seconds, rolling eyes, fine after Treatment of absent seizures:  Ethosuximide

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