Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy (369/1700)

A 34yo woman is referred to the endocrine clinic with a hx of thyrotoxicosis. At her 1st
appointment she is found to have a smooth goiter, lid lag and bilateral exophthalmos with puffy
eyelids and conjunctival injection. She wants to discuss the tx of her thyroid prb as she is keen to become pregnant. What is the most likely tx you would advise?
a. 18m of carbimazole alone
b. 18m of PTU alone
c. A combo of anti-thyroid drug and thyroxine
d. Radioactive iodine
e. Thyroidectomy

answer: B

Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis
Methimazole or Propylthiouracil can be used. Normally MM is generally preffered expect in pregnancy(1st trimester specifically) PTU is preferred.

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