Submandibular swelling, pain on chewing (380/1700)

A pt presented with hx of swelling in the region of the sub-mandibular region, which became
more prominent and painful on chewing. He also gave hx of sour taste in the mouth, the area is
tender on palpation. Choose the most probable dx?

a. Chronic recurrent sialadenitis
b. Adenolymphoma
c. Mikulicz’s disease
d. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
e. Sub-mandibular abscess

answer: A
Acute sialadenitis is an acute inflammation of a salivary gland.
Patients typically present with erythema over the area, pain typically at mealtimes., tenderness upon palpation, and swelling. Frank cellulitis and induration of adjacent soft tissues may be present. Purulent material may be observed being expressed from the Wharton duct, particularly upon milking the gland. Rarely, a cutaneous fistula may occur, with spontaneous drainage of purulent material. The inflammation is secondary to an infectious process. Chronic recurrent form is a similar picture.

adenolymphoma (wartharin's tumour): soft/cystic swelling of parotid, usually unilateral

Mikulicz's disease: dry mouth, dry eyes

carcinoma: infiltration, ulceration

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