Severe occipital headache (257/1700)

A 29yo woman who was dx to have migraine presents with severe onset of occipital headache.
She lost her consciousness. CT=normal. Neurological exam=normal. What is the most
appropriate management?

a. Repeat CT
b. MRI
c. LP
d. XR
e. No inv required

diagnosis: basilar migraine ... ttt/reassurance, avoid triggers

• stages of uncomplicated migraine
i. prodrome (hours to days before headache onset)
ii. aura
iii. headache (see Table 24 for description of typical headache)
iv. postdrome
• aura
fully reversible symptom of focal cerebral dysfunction lasting <60 min
examples: visual disturbance (fortification spectra – zigzags; scintillating scotomata – spots), unilateral paresthesia and numbness or weakness, aphasia
• prodrome/postdrome: appetite change, autonomic symptoms, altered mood, psychomotor agitation/retardation
• classification of migraines
1.      common migraine: no aura
2.      classic migraine: with aura (headache follows reversible aura within 60 min)
3.      complicated migraine: with severe/persistent sensorimotor deficits, examples:
-        basilar-type migraine (occipital headache with diplopia, vertigo, ataxia, and altered     level of consciousness)
-        hemiplegic/hemisensory migraine
-        ophthalmoplegic migraine
-        acephalgic migraine (i.e. migraine equivalent): aura without headache

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