Headache, visual problems, tinnitus, splenomegaly (265/1700)

A 65yo woman presents with headache. She also complains of dizziness and tinnitus. She has
recently realized she has visual problems. There is hx of burning sensation in fingers and toes.
On exam: splenomegaly, itchy after hot bath. Labs: RBC=87, Hgb=31.9, Plt=796. What is the dx?
a. CML
b. CLL
c. Polycythemia vera
d. Myelofibrosis
e. NHL


• stem cell disorder characterized by elevated RBC mass (erythrocytosis) ± increased white cell
and platelet production

Clinical Features
• symptoms are secondary to high red cell mass and hyperviscosity
bleeding complications: epistaxis, gingival bleeding, ecchymoses, and GI bleeding
-        due to platelet abnormalities
• thrombotic complications: DVT, PE, thrombophlebitis, increased incidence of stroke, MI
-        due to increased blood viscosity, increased platelet number and/or activity
• erythromelalgia (burning pain in hands and feet and erythema of the skin)
-        associated with platelets >400,000/mm3
-         pathognomonic microvascular thrombotic complication in PV and ET
pruritus, especially after warm bath or shower (40%)
-        due to cutaneous mast cell degranulation and histamine release
• epigastric distress, PUD
-        due to increased histamine from tissue basophils, alterations in gastric mucosal blood flow
-        due to increased blood viscosity
• gout (hyperuricemia)
-         due to increased cell turnover
• characteristic physical findings
-        plethora (ruddy complexion) of face (70%), palms
-        splenomegaly (70%), hepatomegaly (40%)

• Erythrocytosis
must rule out secondary polycythemia: increased EPO suggests autonomous production or hypoxia, and is used to rule out PV
• diagnosis (WHO 2008) requires either both major criteria plus one minor criteria OR the first
major criterion plus 2 minor criteria
Major Criteria
1. hemoglobin >18.5 g/dL in men, 16.5 g/dL in women or other evidence of increased red
cell volume
2. presence of JAK2 V617F or other functionally similar mutation such as JAK2 exon 12
Minor Criteria
1. bone marrow biopsy showing hypercellularity for age with trilineage growth
(panmyelosis) with prominent erythroid, granulocytic, and megakaryocytic proliferation
2. serum erythropoietin level below the reference range for normal
3. endogenous erythroid colony formation in vitro

phlebotomy to keep hematocrit <45%
hydroxyurea (prior thrombosis or symptoms, severe coronary artery disease, refractory to
• low-dose Aspirin® (for antithrombotic prophylaxis, will also treat erythromelalgia)
• allopurinol: as needed
antihistamines: as needed

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