Frequency, dysuria, fever, loin pain (466/1700)

A 32yo woman of 38wks gestation complains of feeling unwell with fever, rigors and abdominal
pains. The pain was initially located in the abdomen and was a/w urinary freq and dysuria. The
pain has now become more generalized specifically radiating to the right loin. She says that she
has felt occasional uterine tightening. CTG is reassuring. Select the most likely dx?
a. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
b. Acute pyelonephritis
c. Roung ligament stretching
d. Cholecystitis
e. UTI

answer: B

• dysuria, urgency, and frequency in UTI
• fever, flank pain, and costovertebral angle tenderness in Pyelonephritis

acute fatty liver of pregnancy has pancreatitis, uremia and hypoglycemia

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