Dose of adrenaline (270/1700)

A 24yo pt presented with anaphylactic shock. What would be the dose of adrenaline?
a. 0.5ml of 1:1000
b. 0.5ml of 1:10000
c. 1ml of 1:500
d. 5ml of 1:1000
e. 0.05ml of 1:100

answer: A

1. immediate initial management (call for help and perform concurrently)
  • give 0.5 mL of 1:1,000 epinephrine IM to lateral thigh (0.01 mL/kg up to 0.4 mL for children)
    ƒremove causative agent if possible
  • if severely compromised ABC or LOC, consult ICU immediately
  • otherwise, provide 100% O2 through mask, give bolus 1,000 mL (20 mL/kg for children) crystalloid IV, then reassess; if IV access difficult, give fluid through intraosseous route
  • ƒhave continuous pulse oximetry and telemetry monitoring
  • ƒfrequently monitor BP
2. secondary treatment
  • ƒdiphenhydramine (Benadryl®) 50 mg IM or IV q4-6h
  • ƒmethylprednisolone 50-100 mg IV (dose depending on severity)
  • ƒsalbutamol (Ventolin®) via nebulizer if bronchospasm

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